MGIF S6 E20: Jess Nesling

MGIF Podcast S6 E20: Jess Nesling
MGIF Podcast

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This episode is with the fabulous voice actor Jess Nesling!

We talked about:

Growing up in Swansea, finding your “real voice”. how Ice Age inspired Jess to get into voice acting, overcoming shyness, using voice acting to play pranks, taking advantage of the home built voice booth during lockdown and how it influenced Jess’ direction in her career as it looks now, and just absolutely loads more.

Me and Jess have absolutely identical brains and get on marvellously. This is great ep to mark the twentieth pod of the season and I just know you’re gonna love it.

As always, thank you so much for listening. Follow me over at @garydooton and @mgifshow. Stay subbed, stay following!

Lots of Love,

Gary x
