MGIF S6 E14: Masud Milas

MGIF Podcast S6 E14: Masud Milas
MGIF Podcast

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This episode is with the one and only, Mr Masud Milas!

Masud is a comedian, comedy writer and makes up one third of the Mystery on the Rocks podcast.

We met up in our favourite coffee place then walked around Soho, before sitting down in a park in the beautiful London sunshine.

We talked about:

  • Working creatively within limits

  • Writing and the creative process

  • Writing for stand up

  • Arthouse films and when they go too far

  • Indie art games and what’s interesting us in that field right now

…and a shite ton of other tangents, as we do on this pod.

Masud is the best, a great pod guest and one of my favourite dudes, so you’re bound to enjoy this one, especially if you heard his first appearance back at the start of Season 5 in 2022!

Thank you so much for listening, follow me over at @garydooton and @mgifshow. Stay subbed, stay following!

Lots of Love,

Gary x
