MGIF S6 E16: Lana Zgombic

MGIF Podcast S6 E16: Lana Zgombic
MGIF Podcast

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This episode is another returning guest - it’s the majestic Lana Zgombic!

I visited Lana at home where she gave me the grand tour of her lovely flat, complete with Elden Ring and Bloodborne themed painted portraits, a selection of Amiibos aplenty and an even greater choice of fancy teas, before sitting down at the dining room table to chat about Lana’s move away from centring all her extracurricular activities around gaming and why that’s important to her right now.

Plus we talk about the current state of the industry and what needs to change in order to encourage young people and diverse candidates into the industry when things are so tumultuous.

AND! As of TODAY, Lana has started at the studio Snap Finger Click, so we talk a little about that at the end of the episode.

Lana is absolutely brilliant and a spectacular guest, and it was a delight to be able to see her again and sit down one to one for this lovely relaxing chat.

Thank you so much for listening, follow me over at @garydooton and @mgifshow. Stay subbed, stay following!

Lots of Love,

Gary x
