MGIF S6 E11 Paul Kilduff-Taylor

MGIF Podcast S6 E11: Paul Kilduff Taylor
MGIF Podcast

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This episode is with the guy they very often call Paul Kilduff Taylor!

Paul is a previous guest of the show, and the man behind Mode7 Games. He is also an extremely brilliant music man who is behind several soundtracks in recent indie games, including the OSTs of Fights in Tight Spaces and the upcoming Knights In Tight Spaces, which is something we get into on the pod.

But not before having a walk around the Soho area and talking an extraordinary amount of shite first. But don’t worry, I’ve edited that bit right down into a manageable chunk of horseshit suitable for all the family.

We found a spare bench to park our bums on and get really into some excitable game design chat as well as generally enthusing about stuff we care about in games.

Paul is funny and knows his stuff in equal measure, so any time he’s on the podcast, it’s an excellent one.

Thank you so much for listening, follow me over at @garydooton and @mgifshow. Stay subbed, stay following!

Lots of Love,

Gary x
