MGIF S6 E17: Moo Yu

MGIF Podcast S6 E17: Moo Yu
MGIF Podcast

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This episode is with industry veteran, Mr Moo Yu!

I met up with Moo outside Waterloo station in London, where we went for a short stroll on a rainy afternoon before finding a covered space outside a cafe to chat about Moo’s career, his first games growing up, as well as parenting and other topics, before sliding into chat about the very recent announcement of Moo’s new game, Myth Match!

The trailer for this game looks really cool and a really unusual take on the merge puzzle game subgenre, so this will be one to keep an eye on.

Moo is lovely and we had a really fun, animated chat outside Waterloo station as various sirens, motorbikes and traffic lights beeped, rumbled and roared in the background, the advantage of this podcast being those become pleasant background ambience by the time you hear it.

As always, thank you so much for listening. Follow me over at @garydooton and @mgifshow. Stay subbed, stay following!

Lots of Love,

Gary x
